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For the mother and the baby bouquet

For the mother and the baby bouquet

Our compositions, for any occasion, are unique and symbolic. Send your congratualtions when a baby is born to your close one. The „For the mother and the baby” bouqet is a great composition where a noble rose and charming eustoma are connected with a delicate ribbon. Is stresses the bond between the child and the mother. Send wishes and order flowers online.
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Buchetele florale Interflora prezentate in acest catalog sunt realizate de florarii Interflora folosind flori si plante de calitate. In unele cazuri, produsul livrat poate fi putin diferit fata de fotografii ca forma si culoare deoarece fiecare florar Interflora este caracterizat prin propria sa sensibilitate creatoare, experienta si utilizeaza un produs sezonier supus schimbarilor naturale. In consecinta, fotografiile au doar valoare ilustrativa

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