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Pentru comenzi facute pana in ora 10:00 (ora Romaniei) livram in aceeasi zi. Data urmatoare disponibila pentru livrare este: 22.04.2024.
Arrangement of cut flowers
Bouquet of seasonal cut flowers
White Phalaenopsis
Single Plant
Arrangement of Plants
Day Dream
Warmest Heart
12 roses short stemmed
Basket fresh flowers
Shining Queens
Inspire Your Day
Wreath with ribbon
Colourfulo Orchids
12 roses medium stemmed
Basket arrangement of flowers
Deluxe Bouquet
Flourishing Love
Thingking of You
Goregeous Bouquet
12 roses long stemmed
Basket of Flowers
Dream in Red
Smile Smile
Meaning of Love
Teddy e bouquet
Perfect Roses
Tantalizing 12 Roses
Astonishing Bouquet
Love Grow
Gourmet Basket with flowers
Standing arrangement
Congrtulation Sweet Choc e Wine